The cultural and creative industry has been selected by Taiwan government as one of the ten key developing industries since 2002. The government also selected this industry as one of the six important emerging industries in 2009; promoting Culture and Creative Industries has become one of the important policies of the government. In 2010, the government promulgated “Law for the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries”; year 2014 was also announced as “The Opening Year of Cultural and Creative Industries”. Taiwan government devoted to con-struct and developed the value chain of cultural and creative industry and actively enhance this industrial value. With the encouragement of the government, the crea-tivity and culture has transformed into salable products and service. While the in-dustry prospering, the construction of sales channel become one of the most im-portant topic of the industry development. Yet, there are very few relative re-searches on the topic.
This article integrates the rational and emotional factors of consumers, along with the technology and brand factors of manufacturers, and tries to explore the influence of sales channel structure of manufacturers and purchasing intention of consumers. This investigation helps to realize the relationships between the fac-tors of rational decision, emotional value, technology acceptance and brand equity and channel choices and purchasing intention.
This study tries to develop an integrated framework of channel structures in cultural and creative industry from the perspectives of individuals and manufac-turers. It is expected that the results of this study can enhance our understanding of channel structures in cultural and creative industry and help manufacturers. to de-velop appropriate sales channel strategies in cultural and creative industry.
Key words: cultural and creative industries, utilitarian value, hedonic value, tech-nology acceptance, brand equity