Based 扭曲self-detennination 臨的(SDT), leamers c個improve 也eir le祖ng achievement tbrough
promoting self-detennination competence. E~decision thinking competence. suppo的s optima1. decision IÍl此ing
under on-1ine problem soIving context. Di:fferent 企om past researches, both SDT and e-decision 也inkihg
competence are taken into considetation in developing the designcóncept of a self-detcrtnination based òn-l垣e
leaming platfo.nn (SDBOLP) 旭orderωcons甘uct 祖effective on-line le扭曲gpla:由rm. The ch位acteristics of
the design concept of SD130LP include: 甜甜g也租金ng; auto:homy by Self-detennination le缸世ng path, promoting
令decision 由inking com,petenèe by dynamic rea1-加le bàsed leam姐g effort curves, cons帆的包g relatedness 扭
onr1ine còmmunity context by on-line interactive discussion.