The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship between somatic cell count (SCC)in the milk of dairy cows and electro-wetting behavior. The raw milk of dairy cows in foremilk was sampled and examined to determine its composition including SCC, fat ratio, protein ratio, lactose ratio, total solid ratio, urea nitrogen, and citric acid.To minimize bio-molecular adsorption on hydrophobic surfaces, electro-wetting in the contact ofangle measurements for each experiment were completed within one minute.Weobtained a negative correlation between SCC and citric acid in milk. As a result, thechanges in electro-wetting contact angle with higher SCC are less than with lower SCC,the higher the level of SCC, the less citric acid there was. To gain a better understandingof the electro-wetting behavior with SCC, we disregarded the EC effect related to ionic strength. With lower SCC,we observed changes in the contact angle during electro-wetting to a greater degree than with higher SCC. In conclusion, thephenomenon could be explained by the fact that greater bio-molecular adsorption on the substrate with higher SCC increased the effective thickness of the dielectric layer, thereby decreasing the cossv of Lippmann-Young equation and increasing Ɵv with the application of voltage.