摘要: | 屏東縣政府近年致力推廣觀光產業以期帶來觀光效益並行銷屏東縣,衛生局亦隸屬於屏東縣政府,也肩負協助屏東縣政府推動觀光產業的義務與責任。本計畫之目的除了協助更新與維護屏東縣政府衛生局的英文網頁之外,並定時提供觀光相關的雙語資訊,使民眾進入衛生局的網站除了獲得衛生相關的雙語資訊之外,也能獲取觀光方面的雙語資訊,有助於屏東縣政府推動觀光產業,網路無遠弗屆,因此,網站早已成為個人或各單位行銷或提供訊息的重要途徑,要邁向國際化與全球化,必先克服英文網頁的障礙,近年來,在台生活的外籍人士日益趨多,因此,了解台灣各種政策與法規的需求更顯迫切,如此,外籍人士才能在台灣穩定的生活,衛生機關許多措施與政策都與人民生活密切相關,對在台的外籍人士而言亦同,另外,隨著台灣觀光政策的開放,近年來台觀光的人數大增,屏東縣又具備豐富的觀光資源,更能吸引觀光人潮。所以,如何讓外籍人士能迅速又正確地擷取所需的衛生與觀光資訊是相當重要的,這過程中,英文網頁的更新與維護扮演舉足輕重的地位,更新及維護英文網頁對許多機構而言是困難且繁瑣的,若能藉由學術單位的外語及觀光專業能力之協助,應能提供外籍人士友善的英文網頁環境,透過學界與產業的合作,讓學界有機會更深入認識產業界與服務社區,也讓產業界了解學界可提供專業的服務,共創雙贏局面。
In recent years, Pingtung County Government makes efforts to promote tourism industry in order tobring tourism benefits and market Pingtung County. The Public Health Bureau, a part of Pingtung County Government, has the obligation and responsibilities for assisting Pingtung County Government to promote tourism industry.
The purpose of the project is to help maintain and update the English website of Public Health Bureau,Pingtung County Government, to provide the public medical and tourism information in English. With the
advent of technology, internet has become an essential way to communicate with each other. In order to move towards internationalization and globalization, English is an important communicative tool all over theworld. In those years, more and more foreigners live and travel in Taiwan; therefore, it is necessary for them to get related information from the English websites of government institutions at any time because a lot of policies and regulations are connected with the public. In other words, English website is an
important medium between government institutions and foreigners. However, how to present correct information in English is a big challenge for many government institutions because they do not have
professional specialists. To solve the problem, through the cooperation between universities and government institutions, universities can provide professional knowledge and techniques in English and
information, and government institutions can create a user-friendly environment for foreigners. Moreover,under this condition, universities have much more opportunities to understand what kind of service government institutions can provide the society. On the other hand, government institutions would realize universities are a great social resource for the public and community. By this way, it is much easier to create a win-win status for both schools and government institutions. |